It may not always be obvious to you that you are getting good advice because the process is an ongoing one and the outputs really only materialise when your goals are reached. However, there are a few pointers we would recommend you look for along the way and if it doesn’t feel right, raise a flag:
- Make sure you are speaking to someone who has an FSP license
- Refer to client testimonials or ask to be put in touch with existing clients
- All recommendations should be thoroughly discussed with you and put in writing.
- Keep asking questions until you feel comfortable with what is being recommended to you
- Make sure your financial advisor is an independent advisor – this way you can be sure you are getting unbiased advice
- Ask your advisor how they are paid
- Investigate your advisors experience, credentials and longevity in the industry
- Make sure the conversation is both ways; are you being heard?
- Make sure you are comfortable with the risks being explained to you